Monday 24 August 2015


Today we had a look at calculating the perimeters of shapes. The perimeter of a shape is the total distance around the shape. So for example, if we have a shape like this, the perimeter would be found by just adding the sides together. We would get:
120m + 27.5m + 60m + 32m + 36m + 35.5m = 311m 

One other key piece of information when calculating perimeters is understanding what these dashes on the sides of shapes mean
If sides have these dashes, it means they are the same length. So any side with a single dash on it is the same length as the other sides with a single dash. So for example; 
Each side with a dash on this shape (so all of them) is 18.5cm long. 

Some shapes can have some sides with one dash, and some sides with 2 or more dashes. Only the sides with the same number of dashes are of equal length. So for example:
This shape has 2 sides with a single dash, so these would both be 140cm long. It also has 2 sides with two dashes, so these would both be 6.7m long. 

There is a perimeter worksheet in the "Worksheets" tab. Do all questions on this sheet, and check your answers as you go. I have cut any irrelevant questions out, so you should be able to get this done before Thursday the 27th August. 

As always, feel free to comment on this post if you have any questions, or email or chat to me in person. 

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